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Sunday, August 29, 2010

Hotter Than Ragnaros

I know, I know... not really my style this, but hey! It's not like female characters in racy armor are a rare sight.
And even though Hanuma still has nightmares from her traumatic encounter with a pair of pants - panties more like - in Hellfire Peninsula, I know that there are plenty of ladies who proudly parade through main cities in extremely sexy and highly impractical armors. Can't say it doesn't look good though, as a single walk through Dalaran draws more attention than epic loot.
So if you are a smokin' hot babe, or want to dress like one, here's some inspiration for you.

First of all I really want to thank Tay and Yalena for bravely showing off their sexy collection and thanks to Eterna for providing her MC skills to make some of our screens oh so much fun.
PS! There will be quite a few complete sets in this post.

So let's start with Hanuma's nightmare pants... Turns out this model is part of a set that comes in four color combinations - three are tailor made sets. First set out is the Black Mageweave and yeah, it's probably the most famous sexy outfit in the game.Yalena is wearing the pants, top and gloves on the screenshots. If you want to spend some gold on a slightly more covered up version of the tunic, then take a trip to the Consortium quartermaster and buy a Stormspire Vest. You don't really need a belt for this outfit but if you want to dress it up a bit try a weapon or helm; something like the Crystalfire Staff and/or Spring Circlet (for the bunny constume look) will work well. Also, for those without hooves: you might want to try Dress Shoes or some simple black boots.

Then there is Yalena's golden outfit consisting of Elegant Leggings and Tunic. The chest armor is also a quest reward in Hellfire Peninsula. From the Elegant set you can also wear the bracers, gloves and helm if you want. The helm reminds me of Wonderwoman. ;) However, if you want to go for a Argent Confessor Paletress lookalike, pair up your leggings and tunic with some Gossamer items (helm and belt) and Gnomish Casting Boots. Now shoulders are a little tricky as there is no white model out there. I'd suggest Gossamer shoulders. The Bonecaster's Star off-hand is the weapon she is using and the tabard is the Argent Crusader's Tabard.

Another lookalike is of course Whitemane, who is wearing the red model of this set: Cindercloth Vest and Pants. The helm you need for the outfit drops off the boss herself. The boots are Ashwalker's Footwraps and the gloves are Gloves of the High Magus. I don't really like wearing shoulders for this but you could for instance go for Crimson Silk Shoulders. And finally to complete your outfit go for the Invincible Stave.

If a purple outfit is what you desire, ask your tailor to make you a Frostweave Tunic. Then take a trip to Hellfire and grab Wanderer's Stitched Trousers (Hanu's nightmare). The bracers are the Crystalweave Bracers, Grips of the Void are the gloves and Windwalker's Footwraps are the boots. Unlike the abovementioned sets you will have to work a little to get some of the items for this purple outfit, but it may be worth it if you want a unique look.

I tried to mix things up a little on my own characters by adding a Tuxedo Shirt/Wound Dressing and the white Snowhide Hoof-Warmers to the Black Mageweave pants. The boots will however work best on Tauren and Draenei. If you actually have feet or don't like the furry boots, you can for instance try Pilgrim's or Astralaan Boots (the Astralaan belt works ok here too), but you will look way more dressed than intended. *laughs*

For a more custom black and red look, Elzi is wearing Ebon Filigreed Doublet, Darkcrest Belt and Mercurial Greaves with Black Mageweave Leggings. Once again the boots only work well on characters with hooves so replace them with Ashwalker's Footwraps (they look amazing on Draenei and Tauren as wel). For a more golden red look you can also wear Cindercloth Pants in stead of the Black Mageweave Leggings.

Another one of Yalena's favorites is the Eldr'naan set. And as Hanuma also has the full Eldr'naan (that she collected for kicks) you now get two models of this bubblegum meets biker chick green set that was such a common BC drop. The set consists of your usual helm, shoulders, gloves, bracers, belt, boots, pants and chest item, but it also has a bubble gum pink offhand. First of all, unless you are planning on dressing up like a dinosaur for Shattrath orphans, drop the helm. Secondly, if you really want to go all out with this outfit, get the following items: Pink Gumballs from the Ogre Pinata, Mekgineer's Chopper, Tiny Sporebat and a Light-Etched Longsword.
Lower level options are the Venomshroud and Hibernal sets. They are slightly different but you won't notice unless you are looking at the details.

Now I know that most people think this is the ugliest set in the game. This was the reason why I collected it in the first place and kept it in my bags for almost two years now. However, it has actually grown on me and I love it now. Still not convinced? Ok, then check out the Arachnidian set. In stead of green it is blue and in stead of the purple-pink, the markings are golden. There is also the purple Embrace of the Viper item set from the Wailing caverns. 

The Arachnidian and Embrace of the Viper are pretty cool sets, and good options for those who like this model but don't want to stand out.

Mainly Mail and Plate?
Some bad news for clothies. This is pretty much the end of pure cloth sexy sets. Almost all of the super sexy gear out there is either mail or plate - most likely plate. As a mage I get that. We're supposed to be flashy but also we're always supposed to be elegant, well dressed and of course in robes. The same can be said for priests - holy ones at least. To me, the abovementioned gear is mainly for warlocks and perhaps the odd shadow priest. At least I'm not hiding my holier than thou attitude, eh? *laughs* So, here comes some sexy gear for the heavy armor wearers and I'll finish this post with what I find is more than sexy enough for a proper mage and priest.

And this is where miss Tay and her allts come in. This lady has some of the hottest gear I've ever seen.
For instance, take a look at this very simple outfit. It consists of Bloodscale Legguards and Breastplate. The boots are Thorium Boots. It's so hot that you don't need anything else. You can add the Bloodscale Bracers if you want, it might make the outfit cooler. But the belt... The buckle is heart shaped. *giggles* I guess if you want a romantic detail that really breaks with the theme of this really yummy outfit, go for it. Less is more here I'd say though.

 I think we've all seen the Blood Knight set, but I doubt you've seen it like this. Wear your Blood Knight's Greaves, Gauntlets and Boots with Merciless Gladiator's Ringmail Spaulders and Engraved Breastplate. I love this combination. The colors are amazing, it shines and it doesn't show too much skin - apart from where it matters I guess. :D

 If you are like me and still feel the need to cover up, here are parts of Djul's old red armor. She is wearing  Glimmering Mail Legguards and Girdle (the bracers are also super pretty) with the Sun Cured Vest and Bracers. Dreamwalker Armor also looks amazing with this outfit.

And back to more revealing outfits! They don't have to be super shiny. The black set here consists of  Thorium Boots, and Darkcrest Breastplate & Legguards.
Eterna, thanks for mind controlling the hot Blood Elf and dragging him all the way from Netherstorm  so we could take screenshots! ;)

 Here's one more dark set for you and again it's very simple. The chestpiece is the Adamantite Breastplate, which also comes in other colors though I cannot remember which now. The gloves from this set are also pretty amazing. You really should get this if you can, it's  worth it.  Ebonhold Leggings are the pants and Revenant Greaves are the boots.
Also, if you find and wear a pair of scaly dark green pants with'll fit even better in the image below... ;)

I don't really think I need to say anything about the outfit to the left other than that it's Amazing! Oh yes, and it's the Hyperion Armor and Legplates, worn with Glimmering Mail Bracers and Blood Knight Boots.
Elzi has the very same model in a different color scheme. The purple and silver set you are looking for is the Imbued Plate set. Easier to get are the Bejeweled Legguards as they also are a quest reward in Un'Goro.
There is also a third version of this set in bronze colors - it's really, really pretty - so check out Commander's set.

The only character I have that I don't mind dressing in racy outfits is Elzi. I think I see why now. Most of the good gear is plate or mail anyways.

But before I show you some of my fav sexy outfits, here is an unholy dk inspired outfit that I don't quite know what to think of. The kilt is the dk Acherus Knight's Legplates but that hypnotising breast-plate really is something. *giggles*
Its name is the Lofty Breastplate and according to JaneLame on wowhead comments it is avaliable in no less than four color combinations and three matching sets! If you like this, her links are at the bottom of the comment page.

My fav gear on Elzi is built around two models of chest armor and mainly one model of pant armor. The first chest item and pants are Jouster's Chestplate which I've matched up with Templar Legplates. Plaguebringer's Girdle and Sapphiron's Scale Boots make up the rest of the outfit. If you like these pants then the Templar set bracers and belt might be something for you.


Though there probably are several colors of this chestpiece, I have only come across the copper toned Embossed Plate Armor. It may not be as sexy as the other breastplates in this post but I like it simple so I've paired it up with a Thorium Belt, Buccaneer's Pants and Engraved Boots.

And now some options for one model that again is less daring and more me. I will try to make up for the less daring part with some sexy pants, I promise! *winks*
These are all mail armors, which is good news for at least some of us. Though wowhead doesn't show similar items, I know that there at least at three colors, but if you come across more, please let me know as I love these!

For the green Soldier's Armor I have chosen some very simple pants - Shimmering Trousers. The belt is the Gossamer Belt and the boots are the gorgeous Emerald Sabatons. It's not very revealing, I admit, but it is still damn sexy...perhaps in a more 'Hanuma likes' unusual way...
If you like green, do take a look at Soldier's set as almost all items are very detailed and unique- especially the bracers, belt and pants. This set also looks good on male characters.

I have already shown you these purple pants before in the Tabard article where Elzi is wearing little more than pants and a purple guild tabard. Well, if you don't have a purple guild tabard, you match your Revenant Leggings with a Felstone Chain Vest. These pants are the same model as the blue Templar Legplates and therefore the bracers and belt are just as impressive as the recommended ones above. The purple belt on the screenshot is the Infiltrator Cord and is a lower level green that is really worth keeping and it matches this top perfectly.
(By the way, the Infiltrator set is an adorable little leather set for lower level characters... ;)

Last but not least, there is the blue Nexus-Strider Breastplate. It works very well with the lighter blue Templar Legplates and the dark Engraved Saronite Legplates. But since we are talking about revealing and hot outfits I think the best combination is to pair this top up with the Warbear Woolies. The only thing I have added to the outfit is the Plaguebringer's Girdle. If I was to add anything else I think I would go for Nexus-Strider Bracers, or perhaps for a more tribal look: Ceremonial Leather Ankleguards. These are really cool - especially on Night Elf girls.

Speaking of Night Elf girls...and short shorts...
Here are three of Djul's short combinations:
The first one is a rather simple and quite revealing combination of Warbear Woolies and Tunic of the Nightwatcher. The Ceremonial Leather Ankleguards are perfect for this outfit. Boots  for this just seem too civilized.

#2: Add Wolf Rider's Padded Armor and Bloodlust Boots to the Warbear Woolies.

#3 For a more rugged look: Peerless Leggings and Aboriginal Vest. (Try the white Ancestral Tunic.)


I think it's time to reveal what miss Tay wears during Noblegarden. You can either get the Spring Circlet or you can go for the Spring Flowers bouquet during Noblegarden. Both will put bunny ears on your character. The gorgeous purple top that tay is wearing is the Soulcloth Vest - another pattern a tailor can be proud of having (go farm KZ!). Barbaric Loincloth is the tiny tribal shorts and Husk Shard Sabatons are the boots. This is my fav sexy outfit of all time.

And don't forget the Winter Clothes! There isn't much you can do with those outfits as you cannot add belts to them but how about some red boots to go with your red outfit and winter hat? Try the red Bloodlust Boots or green Emerald Sabatons next time.  How about a headband? Or perhaps a red hood and cloak? Maybe even add Bloodlust Bracelets or Crimson Bracers of Gloom to your red outfit? Unless I've missed something, I'm pretty sure you can wear bracers on top of the winter clothes. Makes it all a little more special.

Simple Yet Sexy
I'm a firm believer that simple and not too revealing outfits can be just as sexy as the most provocative items in the game. Plus they can be worn at any level. To make it even more basic, here are some of the shirts and tops that you can easily pair up with Tuxedo Pants and a few that require leveling.

Swashbuckler's shirts. These shirts are very simple. You don't need to add anything to an outfit that has a Swashbuckler's shirt in it because the cleavage it gives you is pretty much the only accessory you will ever need. :p

Warder's Shirt from the Blood Elf hunter starter outfit.

Now three soulbound shirts with level requirements...

This blue top is in essence a Swashbuckler's shirt without sleeves. Its name is the Azure Silk Vest and its match are the Azure Silk Pants. Though the colors are not exactly the same on the top and the pants, they do go well together and are only level 23 and 25 items. The belt on the screenshot is the Sleeper's Cord.

Burnished Tunic is the name of this golden mail top. The reason I am writing about this model in particular is that the entire set is quite pretty and that it comes in at least two more colors: very soft pink/purple that looks amazing on Blood Elves and a soft blue that looks really nice on Night Elves. It looks good on all races really know what I mean. ;) There are several sets out there in each color, covering both lower and higher levels, but I can only remember the pink Netherstalker, which usually sells for quite a bit on the auction house, and the blue Sundered set. Trust me, these tops and sets are worth a look.

At the 'highest' level is a shirt that is revealing, sexy, out there and one of a kind and that is the Watcher's Tunic. It is a quest reward in Nagrand and I have never ever seen another shirt like it. Now what really makes the Watcher's Tunic special to me is not the cleavage and the open back, but the fact that you can change the way it looks. Yupp, you heard me. It's the only top in the game that has sleeve which will  take on the color of whatever is underneath them - your skin tone, a shirt or even bracers. Pretty cool, eh? Plus it's hot.

LF a Robe?
So I saved the robes for last. I won't bug you too much with robes this time, and also there aren't really that many that I find sexy in the simplest sense.
There is one little robe, though, that I want to mention here and that is Buccaneer's Robes. It seems innocent enough with that pink/red colored simple kilt but the cleavage on that robe has for some years now been enough to stop any male player dead in his tracks. I've even started wearing shirts under it to avoid whispers... *sighs* Meaning: If you're looking for a robe that will get you attention without being too obvious about it, Buccaneer's Robes is your friend.

However, if attention is all you crave and being obvious doesn't matter to you, then there are four/five robes out there with your name on them. They are acutally all one model and I like to call them Princess Leah dresses, or my nightgowns (because that is pretty much the only time I will wear them). To me this is the perfect hot gear for priests and mages. But enough talk...Here they all are! Enjoy.

Robes of Insight/Robes of the Triumvirate

Vestments of the Shifting Sands (I'm missing this one! *sighs*)

Robes of the Battleguard (Yes, I made it to Vashj'ir)

Robes of the Guardian Saint. Bracers: Runed Spell Cuffs.

Enough sexy gear for one blog? I hope so! ;)

What do you wear?

Monday, August 23, 2010

Cataclysm Sightseeing

I made a few promises to some people to take a look at Cata, and I have. But, I don't want to spoil the expansion for Hanu so I have not done any questing on her, nor have I entered instances and the likes. I've just done a whole lot of sightseeing and of course leveled up one Worgen and one Goblin. ;)
Spoilers: Some new race leveling info - though not in too much detail, I promise. And a bunch of screenshots of Azeroth post Cataclysm.

Because I've actually covered every inch of Azeroth and I cannot possibly publish all those pictures here, I will publish them on Hanu's Picasa after this blog is up and link to

But where to start?! There's so much to show you! Hmmm...Goblins!

The starting area was sooo much fun! Giant turtles, pygmy men, gadgets, cars and zombies... 

Bling, bling... new, fancy shades!
Everything is phased of course, so make sure to enjoy your time there while you can. 
Phasing is done in a very fun way for the Goblins, where you for example have to use a Town In A Box to create your new leveling zone - it consists of course of a little box and a whole lot of explosives. *giggles* When you activate the box you are thrown in the air by the explosion and as you come back down a new leveling area is waiting for you. 

Phasing makes leveling very relaxed and safe, as there is no way higher level characters can come in and bother you while you enjoy your first ten levels.

Did I mention you get a car right away? With a radio! ;D
Drop by for a lobster dinner in Stranglethorn Vale.
The amount of details put into the Goblin starting zone is amazing and the race itself has been given quite a lot of personality. Well, the Goblins have always had a lot of personality, just that now you actually get to see it in full force. As expected they are one hell of a party and gold loving race with a lot of binge drinking and eating, resulting in power struggles and a mess of a town. Add to that some interesting inventions and you are guarranteed to have a good time here. 
This is perhaps why the Goblins were also given Azshara as their new home. In addition to this their presence is now quite imposing in a lot of old areas such as Thousand Needles, Stranglethorn and Orgrimmar, where they now have their own part of the city.

I honestly don't think that any race has granted so much fun and cool to their faction as the Goblins will do to the Horde.
Country club Goblin Style in Azshara

Their presence in Azshara is huge and there is a lot of fun to be had there - we're talking golf course, swimming pool, sauna, deck chars, bar and a race track/roller coaster here! It's really, really, reeaaally cool! *envy*

All reservations about the Goblins disappeared after going through their starting zone quests plus Azshara, and I have to say that I am very tempted to make a Goblin of my own and do some proper leveling.


 And now the more talked about Worgen. To be honest, I actually prefer the Goblins to the Worgen. There is something lacking that I cannot quite put my finger on. It could be that the zone, quests and  female forms weren't finished when I leveled. Time will tell. Just wish they didn't have that strange British accent... *sighs*

 But make no mistake. Gilneas is stunning and more so than any other zone in my opinion. I don't know what will become of this area outside the leveling phasing, but it would be a shame to use it just for that. The city itself is very interesting and the cathedral at its heart is stunning.

Yes, the leaves really do look like that in the game. ;)

More interesting to this blog though are the outfits displayed by NPCs in Gilneas. Top hats and old fashioned lady hats with lace and all that are everywhere and almost every Guilnean citizen is finely dressed. Men wear suits and ladies pretty dresses. Somehow it all reminds me of Karazhan.

Anyways, I expect that these models will be introduced as gear for all players to wear. The top hats already have - at least for Worgen players as they are a quest reward.
The dogs you can see below are of course the pets all Worgen hunters automatically recieve.

 I'm also thinking that these dogs will be added as pets in some form or another and I wouldn't be surprised if the Forever-Lovely Rose becomes more accessible for those who did not get one during the valentine's festival.. But I haven't really checked any of this out. I will as soon as I have the time. :)

And then there are the new druid forms for the Worgen. I love these kittehs! The bear forms are pretty decent as well - they are more feral looking and remind me a little of Horde druid forms. No horns though.

And if you are going to play a Worgen and are jealous of the Goblins for getting to drive their own car, perhaps you will find some comfort in the fact that you will, at least for a little while, get to drive one of these. ;)

My fav little discoveries.

Before I show off some pretty scenery and changed zones, here are some screens of little things and that may not be noticed but that none the less make WoW what it is.

One of these is the addition of...FOXES! Yaay! Adorable! I want one as a pet nao!

Among the million things that have been improved in the game, my favorite is about flowers. They actually look like flowers now and the details are pretty amazing. These roses are from Gilneas, where you can find them growing in rose gardens, on buildings and even hung on walls to dry. These models will hopefully be implemented to other rose models in the game - especially to the florist in Dalaran. So far there are two colors in the game, white and red. More will surely come.

Pygmies of the Lost Isles! Be sure to have sound on while leveling your Goblin character because the sounds these little guys make are hilarious. Loved questing against them so much that i wish it had lasted longer. I'm sure we'll see much more of these guys - in Uldum for instance. And yes, that's my Goblin Pernille with a Pygmy hat that's a little too big...made me look like Marvin the Martian.

Prettier and more interesting Naga models. Again, while questing on my Goblin I ran into some very pretty Naga ladies. Looks like  they have discovered clothes *giggles* I want that shirt and look. 


Also, and even more fun, we now have baby Naga! Yupp! Baby Naga. Here's Pernille on her...hmmm... inflatable seahorse. Really hope we get to buy these...

With the Goblins come some pretty inventive and fun signs. On Kezan there are quite a few and I have already seen one like it in Stranglethorn, so there's probably more out there. Here's one of the Goblin trade prince and Kaja'Cola! It gives you IDEAS! <3


It's always fun to run into famous people. 
Here are some you might have heard of. ;)
Garrosh I find is realy scaary.... 
Lady Sylvanas is up to no good...and...
Yes, I've met Thrall too... *melts*

One last person of note before I show you some pretty scenery:
Place: Darkshore... Time: Post Cataclysm... Comment: Toto, I don't think we're in Darkshore any more...
And will you look at that! Hello Malfurion Stormrage! Not the only place you will find him though. ;)


You can fly pretty much anywhere now, and though most areas have changed, seeing familiar places from above makes the experience just as new. For instance...

Karazhan from above...

Undercity *smiles*

Dire Maul

Booty Bay - check that water out!
Thunder Bluff

And then, new scenery! :)
Nope, I'm not showing you Hyjal *grins*

Former Shimmering Flats, now Shimmering Deep, to the left and Tanaris and Gadgetzan to the right.
Goblin Ship - Shimmering Deep

You all know where this is I think. ;)

Theramore with a new highway through the swamp to Mudsprocket where there is now a path to a more revived Desolace...
Where there is now a new Cenarion Circle camp.

Water never looked this nice... STV

Barrens, now split into two zones.

New gate closing off Mulgore from the now disputed Southern Barrens.



Old dock in Auberdine.

New camp in Darkshore.
New type of Night Elf tree buildings, this one in Darnassus.

If i could only remember where this was... :S

Blasted Lands I think...

No comment *grins*

Mean Naga in Blasted Lands

Poor Murlocs...forced to leave their homes *pats*


Southshore! Help! Looks like those stinkbombs finally did the place in!

Tarren Mill's looking pretty good though...scary...

Somehow I doubt that these guys drop a Black Tabby. It's the Old Dalaran Wizard 'town'  - where wizards are replaced by elemental guardians (go farm kitty while you can!) - in Silverpine Forest, which by the way looks pretty good now. The Sepulcher seems to have grown and...
There even seems to be some kind of a taxi service going on.. *giggles*

And last but not least...Uldum!

It's huuuuge!

*hugs camels*

Yes, I am in love with this zone...


Told ya it was purrrty!

 Well, that should be enough for now... ;) Check out Picasa if you want more.