This horrifying phrase clearly marks how even people who are close to you distrust, fear, even hate the Others. And I am the Others. And those people, friends, acquaintances, they do mean me. And it hurts.
Yesterday, that hum turned into a blast, gunshots and countless screams. Even now it is a siren rolling down my beautiful Oslo street. And people ask me 'How did this happen?'
And I remember how and why it happened before.
Because people watched in silence. Because people tolerated messages of hatred to spread and grow. Because people let their fears take over.
Do not kid yourselves out there. All those little comments, and jokes, and jabs, and questions add up. The most radical right wing party still stands strong in Norway, as do other similar parties across Europe. Spreading anti-Islamic, racist, anti-immigrant and anti-immigration propaganda, and fueling the monster that reared its ugly head yesterday, they all contributed to yesterday's events.
This was the work of one man, one extremist, but even he was influenced and supported by others.
However. This man does not represent the Norwegian people, though I think we must face some uncomfortable truths at this terrible time.
I firmly believe that it is everyone's duty to make sure that this does not happen again. We must all face our fears and prejudices and deal with them. We must all learn to live together, respect and tolerate each other, and peacefully find solutions to our common problems.
Do not forget! Yesterday's attacks, though based on appalling extremist right-wing ideology, were also attacks on democracy and peace. All I can do is echo the messages of our current government:
We will not be silenced or stopped by violence.
Our answer to this attack must be more democracy and more openness.

My heart goes out to the people of Oslo and all of Norway.
To you my dear WOW players...
Take care of each other. Grant each other love and respect. And don't ever forget.
Peace is not merely a distant goal that we seek, but a means by which we arrive at that goal.
Martin Luther King, Jr.
I strongly recommend this article: Norway's attacks reveal a world of hatred.